cause everything is never as it seems


Shanie Almenoar

Create Your Badge

title: excited
date: Friday, November 27, 2009
time:12:01 AM
i guess, changes are part of a sagittarius life.
new look for my blog; new look for my bedroom; new look for myself? (if i could get my hands on that leather jacket(; )

and new look happen to be my most recent love shop in ION, did you see the gorgeous and affordable heels they have over there? simply mind blowing for me! best part, they have everything in my size, this huge feet of mine :D

better updates soon. changes keep me motivated!

mental note: get a gift for year end party gift exchange by Monday; Moulin Rouge, Lady Marmalade.

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title: of self indulgence
date: Friday, November 06, 2009
time:10:05 PM
this year's year end party theme, movie stars. i wonder what i should dress as. my colleague and i have been chosen to be in charge of performance representing my outpatient pharmacy. haha!

on another note, i almost forget how happy i was then after that weird incident. hmm..
okay yay for weekends, im so excited cause its time for me to put on my glad wedges again! yay! loving every minute in it :D


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