cause everything is never as it seems


Shanie Almenoar

Create Your Badge

title: backk!
date: Sunday, December 06, 2009
time:2:54 PM
finally im back on my laptop, haha! i find that the itouch i recently purchased is my best investment soo faarrr :D :D it's really a burnt in my pocket, a hole in bank, whichever way you want to put it. I wonder how youth nowadays have all these expensive toys really, it's a trend i notice. from DSLR to apple products. lucky kids i suppose. nothing feels better when the cash comes from your pocket.

im loving the fact that i can do FB and MSN on it. the main reasons why im using the laptop eversince i left school, haha! and ofcourse, besides uploading photos. hehe.

mega plans and things to look forward till year end :D
  • Dirt Biking Holiday w Jade and friends
  • CGH Year End Party
  • KL
  • Snow City
  • Christmas parties
  • Costume party w massive gang!
Book your date babies!

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